Acting on Our Members’ Suggestions

We want to say thank you to all the members that gave us feedback. It may seem like a small task but all feedback, especially critical feedback, has helped make this survey an integral tool to give our coliving members the best experience possible. For example, in our last survey (August 2023) we received feedback suggesting that these areas needed improving; length/quality of cleaning, more events and housemate selection. Here is what we did to improve. 

Length/Quality of Cleaning

Length and quality of cleaning were two aspects that required more attention.

The length of cleaning is decided by looking at the size of the home and the number of rooms. All homes have the same proportion of time allocated for cleaning. We took a look at the length of cleaning for all homes, reassessed and with a few adjustments made sure all the homes were being cleaned for the right amount of time. 

The quality of cleaning improved with new cleaners being hired as well as a new partnership with SimplyGood to help with the replenishing of good quality cleaning products. The products from SimplyGood are high quality eco-friendly products that come in the form of dissolvable tabs, eliminating the need for single use plastic bottles. Effective and eco-friendly - just how we like it! We are hoping to see an improvement in the quality of cleaning with this partnership. 

Deep cleaning still seems to be an issue. More on that later. 

More Events

Our members also wanted to see more events that weren’t centred around drinks or hosted in the evening. We started to re-introduce our “Meet The Neighbours'' event, which is an event where we invite homes that are nearby each other and order tasty takeaway (either charcuterie boards if the event is in the evening or pastries and coffee if the event is in the morning). The last one we hosted was at Emerald Park where we bought some fresh Tiong Bahru pastries for everyone to enjoy. We are looking forward to our next one that we will be hosting at Teresaville and East Coast! 

On top of the weekend hikes and bike rides we have also started hosting events at fitbloc, for our indoor climbing enthusiasts! We hosted one in December and went for brunch afterwards - it was awesome and a good number of members joined us. We have also set in motion our first Pizza & Beer night - a bigger event that we will be hosting every three to four months on the weekend. If you are a member you will receive more information about that in the next couple of weeks! We’ve partnered with DOP Mozzarella Bar and Burrata Joy, who will be helping us supply tasty goods :P

Housemate Selection

In our last survey we received specific feedback about our selection criteria for rooms. If you joined Casa Mia in the last year you will know that we strive to balance housemates by gender and nationality. If you didn’t read our results blog from August 2023, we want to take the opportunity to explain why we have this in place. 

Gender is balanced in a way so that there is never an instance of a female sharing a home with only males. As we do not offer female-only homes (something that has been often requested) we have put this criteria in place to make sure our female members feel comfortable. 

Additionally, we also look at the nationalities of each member in the home. We have balanced nationalities as we firmly believe this gives the greatest cultural exchange for our members. To make sure our Sales team has a full understanding of your upbringing, background and nationality please inform them during the sales process. Ultimately, we want to make sure that there is a sufficient diversity of nationalities in every home so that everyone is able to enjoy the community within the home.Part of joining the Casa Mia community is about feeling like you belong to a group of like-minded people. Our survey shows that over 75% of you feel like this is the case. 

You can read more about our efforts to create a harmonious community, here!

Thanks for the Great Feedback! 

Here are some of the highlights from this survey round.

Consistency of Deep Cleaning

Responses have shown that our members are satisfied with the cleaning, a few had mentioned that there should be more deep cleaning. We have implemented a deep cleaning schedule a while ago and have brought this up with our cleaning staff and outsourced vendors. We’ll be sharing reminders (in physical form and in our members’ newsletter) to remind housemates and the cleaning staff which area has been scheduled for the week. Furthermore, more frequent home inspections have been scheduled to make sure all the homes are equipped with enough kitchen utensils and that they are in great condition!

However, this also gives us the opportunity to remind the community that we expect a basic level of cleaning from all members.  One cleaning session should not be what members rely on. We want all of our members to respect their housemates and home by making sure that common areas are kept tidy, kitchens are kept clean and trash is thrown away on a daily basis. 

More Events!

We received the same feedback in the last semi-annual survey - it’s great to see so many of our members enjoying our events - naturally they want more (we don’t blame them)!

Recurring monthly events:

  1. First Friday - every first Friday of the month we host a get-together for all Casa Mia members at different bars around Singapore. They can get to know others in the community with two or three free drinks and some shared finger food. We’ve hosted these without fail for more than three years!
  2. Welcome Drink - our Welcome Drink is a more intimate and small version of the First Friday. It is exclusive to the members that joined us that month. We usually go to an Italian restaurant that we’ve partnered with (either DOP Mozzarella Bar or Burrata Joy) and enjoy tasty pizza whilst getting to know the new members.
  3. Active Event - we also make sure to include one active event per month, whether that is a cycle around Marina Bay or the East Coast, or a hike around MacRitchie reservoir. This is the perfect event for those members who enjoy having an active lifestyle rather than going for drinks! 

Other Events:

  1. Pizza & Beer Night - We used to organise yearly BBQs (see more here) but have decided to upgrade this event and host it every three to four months. This event is usually hosted on the weekend and typically attracts a lot of Casa Mia members - to facilitate this we’ve changed the concept to “Pizza & Beer” and are already looking forward to our first one happening in April!
  2. Special Events - We also host special one-off events such as Mooncake Making Classes, Italian Cooking Classes or Candle Making Classes. We usually plan them around special holidays. We also enjoy hosting volunteering events, which we’ve done with Habitat For Humanity as well as Coastal Cleanup events.

Members can RSVP to these events in our private Facebook group. For any members that aren’t in the group, join today! If you are nosey and want to see what sort of events we host you can check them out here! We are also open to suggestions - existing members can utilise our Facebook group to plan their own events. There are a lot of members in this group so it is the perfect place to gather people together for any event you want.

Housemate Issues

Over the past couple of months, as well as in the survey, we have received more emails regarding housemate issues. Although proportionately low, we still felt this is a point to raise with our members and anyone interested in joining our community. 

Having a thriving, welcoming community lies at the core of Casa Mia. So we understand that members will approach us when facing housemate issues. We are here to help in worst case scenarios - however members can’t depend on us to mitigate all small issues. Small disagreements arise when living with others. They arise when you live with your family, partner, friends and can also arise in coliving. All Casa Mia members are working professionals and we expect most issues to be resolved without us having to be involved. That being said, we have rules - if housemates break them or disrespect you we are here to step in. 

Other General Feedback

Overall, 82% of our members would recommend Casa Mia Coliving to their friends and family :) (ratings of 7/10 or higher).

We also asked our members for any other general feedback and suggestions that have either helped make their stay great or how it could be even better. Here are some of the comments:

  • Great value for money, very responsive about maintenance/other needs for the home, transparent rent pricing
  • Everything is taken care of when you move in and one payment covers everything, including regular cleaning and maintenance
  • Well-built community, good exposure to other cultures, easy to rent a place and good locations.
  • Love the weekly cleaning service and events. My living situation in Singapore has been much better than expected! 
  • It's one of the most hassle-free co-living so far that I've experienced, fuss free with the housemates, everything is covered. so we only needed to pay the amount monthly that includes everything inside, no overcharges and all. Responses are received well from the Butler.
  • I feel like the support from the team is amazing. If I have any issue with the room, I can get some support/help in a very short delay. The house cleaning every week is also very nice. The houses all have a common space with sofa, chairs etc. which is rare to find in Singapore. Concept of Casa Mia Houses feels very similar to the housing we could have in Europe with better service.

Summer 2024 - See You Then! 

This survey has become one of our most important tools to help us understand how our community is enjoying their time with us. The results always spur on chats with the team at Casa Mia to come up with creative ideas and solutions to improve and create this the best coliving experience for our wonderful members. Stay tuned for our next survey coming in August 2024!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How does Casa Mia Coliving respond to feedback from members? Casa Mia Coliving takes member feedback seriously and uses it to improve the coliving experience. Based on the August 2023 survey, improvements were made in cleaning quality, event offerings, and housemate selection criteria.
  2. What steps has Casa Mia taken to improve the length and quality of cleaning? Casa Mia reassessed the cleaning duration for all homes based on their size and number of rooms, ensuring each home is cleaned for an appropriate amount of time. Additionally, a partnership with SimplyGood was established to provide high-quality, eco-friendly cleaning products.
  3. What types of events does Casa Mia Coliving offer to its members? Casa Mia offers a variety of events, including "Meet The Neighbours," weekend hikes, bike rides, indoor climbing sessions, and the new "Pizza & Beer Night." These events cater to different interests and help foster a sense of community among members.
  4. How does Casa Mia select housemates to ensure a balanced community? Casa Mia strives to balance housemates by gender and nationality to create a harmonious living environment. This approach ensures diversity and cultural exchange, making members feel comfortable and integrated into the community. Read on how to make bond with new Roommates.
  5. What measures has Casa Mia implemented to address deep cleaning concerns? Casa Mia has implemented a deep cleaning schedule and increased home inspections to ensure cleanliness and adequate kitchen utensils. Reminders are shared in newsletters and physical forms to keep both members and cleaning staff informed.
  6. What recurring monthly events are hosted by Casa Mia Coliving? Casa Mia hosts monthly events such as "First Friday," "Welcome Drink," and an active event like cycling or hiking. These events provide opportunities for members to socialize and engage in various activities.
  7. What should members do if they face housemate issues in Casa Mia Coliving? While Casa Mia expects members to resolve minor issues independently, they are available to step in for serious conflicts or rule violations. Maintaining a welcoming community is a priority, and support is provided when necessary.
  8. How can members stay informed about upcoming events and activities? Members can stay informed by joining Casa Mia's private Facebook group, where event details and updates are regularly posted. They can also RSVP to events and even suggest or plan their own gatherings within the group.
  9. What general feedback have members given about Casa Mia Coliving? Members appreciate the value for money, responsive maintenance support, transparent rent pricing, well-built community, and the convenience of an all-inclusive experience covering cleaning and maintenance. The support from the Casa Mia team is also highly praised.
  10. When is the next member survey scheduled, and why is it important? The next member survey is scheduled for August 2024. These surveys are crucial for understanding member satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement. They enable Casa Mia to continuously enhance the coliving experience for its community.
Florentine Ameli Warnholtz

Hi, I’m Flo, the Marketing Comms and Event manager at Casa Mia Coliving. Apart from organising the best events and making sure our social media is following the latest trends, I enjoy cooking, hiking, beach-ing and skiing (still waiting for a ski dome in Singapore). 

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